i started hanging out with a bunch of very talented fashion photographers within the last month. so im in there studio everyday absorbing every piece of information and wisdom they have to give. so, sorry for the delayed blog post.
check them out
since then, my work has taken a shift in style and look, i decided to put all my effort into fashion and portrait photography, so i have taken some time to learn from the best.
:: i shot lynsay a few days ago at a great location in oakville. enjoy the photos, these photos havent been retouched, i have only applied a treatment in camera raw. laziness has riddled me tonight.
:: my first attempt at HDR. i used 3 separate pictures to expose the sky, the trees, and the water. i used a 5 second shutter speed on the river. i think it turned out alright, i see alot of mistakes. but, i learned a lot and i will be doing it again. let me know what you think.
figured i would hop on the bandwagon and make a blog. ill be updating once a week or so.. enjoy.
:: below are some shots that i took at snap fitness. the trainers (candice laundry and clay ryan) were great to work with and i cant wait to shoot again with candice later this month with her daughter, and later next month for a fitness shoot. enjoy the pictures. click for bigger ones. ::
makeup: lauren pulford
assistant: mike bell