Sunday, August 9, 2009

young professional

im starting to get used to commuting to toronto on a regular basis. bit of a pain, and i would love to walk rather than driving, then biking, then taking a train, then biking to get there. but whatever i have to do to get the job done. i also starting using twitter (@coryphoto) i really dont know how to use it. but im getting there.

at the rate im taking photos, the new site should be up soon. soonish. sooner than later.

:: todd (aka young professional) came by to get a few shots for his website. tried to get something really low key, simple, raw. i really let him do all the work. i just pushed the shutter button and tossed a light up. but the worked out and he likes them. so enjoy let me know what you think.

Monday, August 3, 2009


i started hanging out with a bunch of very talented fashion photographers within the last month. so im in there studio everyday absorbing every piece of information and wisdom they have to give. so, sorry for the delayed blog post.

check them out

since then, my work has taken a shift in style and look, i decided to put all my effort into fashion and portrait photography, so i have taken some time to learn from the best.

:: i shot lynsay a few days ago at a great location in oakville. enjoy the photos, these photos havent been retouched, i have only applied a treatment in camera raw. laziness has riddled me tonight.
